


Man suffering from Insomnia

Insomnia is treatable

Many people suffer from lack of sleep. The Center for Disease Control website estimated that in 2013, 50-70 million Americans suffered from chronic sleep problems described as sleep or wakefulness disorders. Often these conditions are underdiagnosed and undertreated. The more common sleep disorders are Insomnia, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy, and Restless Leg Syndrome.




The Psychiatric Diagnostic Manual (DSM V) specifies that sleep disorders involve difficulty initiating or sustaining sleep. Early morning wakening may also occur. The problem must persist for 3 months and occur at least 3 times a week for the condition to be officially diagnosed. A person must also suffer from impairment in major areas of functioning such as at their job, in school or in the social arena.


Treatment for Insomnia (CBT-I)

There are two essential processes in treatment:

  • A cognitive component and a behavioral component.

The first phase of the treatment centers on education designed to foster an understanding of how the body’s biological system works to regulate sleep.

You learn about:

  • Sleep drive and the body clock
  • Stages of sleep
  • Circadian rhythm and factors influencing the circadian clock
  • The importance of sleep drive and how to build it



An evaluation for Insomnia is conducted to determine at what part of the sleep cycle and how frequently you experience sleep related problems. This is accomplished with the use of a rating scale and with the use of Sleep Diaries, a component critical to the CBT-I process.

This evaluation also consists of confirming the diagnosis of Insomnia and ruling out related disorders such as Obstructive Apnea and Restless Leg Syndrome, which would require a different treatment and an appropriate referral.

Learn More About CBT–I Treatment


Comorbid disorders such as Anxiety and Depression are also considered, and if appropriate, thought records may also be implemented to evaluate and interrupt unhelpful thought patterns and beliefs.

Generally, when a patient collaborates and fully participates in the agreed upon treatment plan, an improvement in the problem can be seen in a relatively short course of treatment of about 10 sessions.


Next Step

If you believe you may have Insomnia and would like to arrange an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment options with Dr. Schonberg, call (908) 273-3133 after reading the other pages of the website. Please leave a message and she will return your call within 24 hours.